How to calculate the offset distance of triangle

Solution 1:

Here is a general figure, where the given data are angle $a$ and width $w$.

enter image description here

with $a+2b=90° \ \iff \ a=90°-2b \ \iff \ b=\frac12(90°-a).$

What you need is the value of the vertical displacement $BC$.

As we have

$$\dfrac{BC}{w}=\tan b$$

we deduce that :

$$BC=w \tan b = w \tan(\frac12(90°-a))$$

The numerical application gives:

$$BC=3.5 \tan(33.61 \underbrace{\pi/180}_{*})\approx 2.32715$$

where (*) accounts for the conversion degrees $\to$ radians, which coincide with your calculation.