Move Min, Max buttons in Google Chrome to tab bar when maximized?

Is anyone aware of a trick to move min, max buttons in Google Chrome tab bar, when maximized? If not, there's a blank row to hold those buttons, which is a waste of room...BTW this will push down/up the webpage each time the mouse enters the menu area...

See the image below: enter image description here

Here's a better description of the issue

Web pages pushed down in OS X full screen mode

In the full-screen mode in OS X, if you move your cursor to the top of tab switcher, the mac menu appears and chrome's toolbar and web page content displayed is pushed down.

The expected behavior is that the toolbar overlays the web page, the page itself does not move (like in Safari). This actually worked in older Chrome versions.

If you graze the menu bar (top of screen), it is jarring how it pushes the content down instead of just doing an overlay.

Who knows if is there a workaround?

Solution 1:

In short, no.

The min/max buttons belong to the window itself, the rest is the window content.