How much longer does the M1-Max MacBook Pro battery last compared to the previous (non-M1-Max) model? [closed]

How much longer the battery life of the most recent 16 inch MacBook Pro is relative to the next most recent 16 inch MacBook Pro (2019 model) under similar (preferably identical) work loads?

What I already know: I find many sites with statistics for the two machines in isolation, but these aren't necessarily useful because many test the machines under different usage loads, hence they are not like-for-like comparisons. It's important that both machines be made to do very similar workloads during the comparisons.

Solution 1:

I think it's going to be very hard to get data on this unless you can find some Youtuber running battery tests on both models.** The nature of the tasks is also likely to be significant, given that the M1s have hardware dedicated to certain tasks.

However, it is well known that the M1 CPUs are much more power-efficient than the old Intel CPUs -- indeed, the heat-generation on the Intels was one of the motivations for switching to the new architecture.

In short: the new M1 is going to be faster and last longer on battery for any given task than the old Intel MBP. How much so? Pffffffft.

** Here's a thorough review of the two models, which includes battery performance.