File was loaded in the wrong encoding:'UTF-8' in IntelliJ IDEA

Before asking the question, I searched for a similar question on StackOverflow:

file was loaded in the wrong encoding: 'UTF-8' in android studio

But it did not give an explicit answer there.

My issue is that the project is downloaded from the network, and it is an eclipse project, I open it with IntelliJ IDEA, and get this issue:

enter image description here

As Tarik point out, click the Reload in another encoding, and if you want UTF-8 encoding, then click the more -> UTF-8.

in my case , when i uploaded the first .ttf file in assert folder , android studio asked me to choose one file type , and when I selected text type . this problem start to appear . the right file type is : 'Files Opened In Associated Applications'. to fix your problem , you have to open preferences ->Editor ->File Types and search for .ttf extension then remove it and add it again under 'Files Opened In Associated Applications' enter image description here

enter image description here

You can try opening your file with an other text editor, like Notepad++. Sometimes it can detect the correct encoding of your file, using a different pattern than IntelliJ. Then you will be able to use the "Reload..." of IntelliJ.

I was having the same problem.. and i solved it by changing the CR to CRLF AND then refresh the project like done in following image