Allow scheduling of pods on Kubernetes master?

If you are using Kubernetes 1.7 and above:

kubectl taint node mymasternode

Use the below command to untaint all masters

kubectl taint nodes --all

First, get the name of the master

kubectl get nodes

yasin   Ready    master   11d   v1.13.4

as we can see there is one node with the name of yasin and the role is master. If we want to use it as worker we should run

kubectl taint nodes yasin

For anyone using kops on AWS. I wanted to enable scheduling of Pods on master.

$ kubectl get nodes -owide was giving me this output:

NAME                                          STATUS
ip-1**-**-**-***.********.compute.internal    Ready                      node
ip-1**-**-**-***.********.master.internal     Ready,SchedulingDisabled   master
ip-1**-**-**-***.********.compute.internal    Ready                      node

And $ kubectl describe nodes ip-1**-**-**-***.********.master.internal:

Taints:             <none>
Unschedulable:      true
...                 ^^^^

Patching the master with this command:

$ kubectl patch node MASTER_NAME -p "{\"spec\":{\"unschedulable\":false}}"

worked for me and scheduling of Pods is now enabled.


I don't know why the master node shows up as NotReady; it shouldn't. Try executing kubectl describe node mymasternode to find out.

The SchedulingDisabled is because the master node is tainted with dedicated=master:NoSchedule

Execute this command against all your masters to remove the taint:

kubectl taint nodes mymasternode dedicated-

To understand why that works read up on taints and tolerations.