Monterey Zathura Install

I'm trying to install Zathura on macOS Monterey by following the instructions on, but I'm getting this error whenever I'm trying to open any pdfs.

For those who have installed Zathura on Apple Silicon, can you share how you guys managed to get it working?


zathura display error

You seem to have installed the X11 version of Zathura. For the version with native macOS integration, follow the instructions beneath OSX_native_integration:

# unlink installed zathura and girara
brew unlink girara
brew unlink zathura

# install HEAD
brew install girara --HEAD
brew install zathura --HEAD
mkdir -p $(brew --prefix zathura)/lib/zathura
ln -s $(brew --prefix zathura-pdf-poppler)/libpdf-poppler.dylib $(brew --prefix zathura)/lib/zathura/libpdf-poppler.dylib

Or, if you haven't installed Zathura yet

brew tap zegervdv/zathura
brew install girara --HEAD
brew install zathura --HEAD
brew install zathura-pdf-poppler
mkdir -p $(brew --prefix zathura)/lib/zathura
ln -s $(brew --prefix zathura-pdf-poppler)/libpdf-poppler.dylib $(brew --prefix zathura)/lib/zathura/libpdf-poppler.dylib