How do I get the Flurry achievement?


  • Map: Ancient Research
  • My Points: 120k
  • Needed Points: 100k
  • Lasertower into cannon into motar & temporal

Build order:

  • Build 3 green laser tower spaced out (bottom left, bottom middle, top left)
  • Update when needed
  • Build 5 cannon tower button left once the shielded enemies come
  • Upgrade them pretty fast

You should have +50k money by now and getting massive interest.

Add some temporal (bottom middle and top left and middle) and motar tower (right middle and top right) where needed and end with ~50k money

My this works out:

Laser towers are extremely effective and cost efficient against the types of enemies that map.

You can get up to a lot of money very quickly as you need very view tower and "interest snowball" from there.

Small screenshot to show this off. The three laser towers that get you through the first 10 rounds are already placed.

Initial placement

I did it on the map called Ancient Research since its the earliest map with an adrenaline mode.

I started out upgrading the little maze area in the northern corner with a flame turret in the middle and a gun turret next to it. Don't upgrade them until round 1 (for interest) and then bring them both to yellow. After that, sit on interest until you see enemies start to reach the core, then place a gun turret next to the other 2 and upgrade that.

The next area to focus on is the cluster of 4 closest to the core. I put a temporal and command tower there along with a meteor and cannon. You'll need that command tower as later missions involve stealthed units. Putting it earlier also gives you a little credit boost if you upgrade its coverage area.

Once those are all nice and upgraded, just start spreading out with more gun, meteor, and cannons and you'll be fine.

Here is my final layout:

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