GUI tool to manage routes for Windows? [closed]

Yes, there are a lot of options, let me list some:

  • Net Route View

NetRouteView is a GUI alternative to the standard route utility (Route.exe) of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all routes on your current network, including the destination, mask, gateway, interface IP address, metric value, type, protocol, age (in seconds), interface name, and the MAC address. NetRouteView also allows you to easily add new routes, as well as to remove or modify existing static routes.

  • WinIP Config

Win IP Configuration Manager is a replacement for the annoying command line tools "ipconfig.exe" and "route.exe". This version also includes the "netstat.exe" tool. Win IP Configuration Manager shows you the IP settings of the installed network interfaces. IP addresses obtained by DHCP can be renewed by Win IP Config. Routes can easily be added, removed, changed or made persistent by this tool. Network interfaces can administratively be enabled or disabled, repectively. Throughput statistics can be watched for each of the network interfaces in a separate window. The program has full capabilities with Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Some functions are not supported under Windows 98. Windows ME should behave like Windows 98, but this has not been tested.

Moreover, I still think the best way is following a good guide to do it(even using a GUI tool) because there are a lot of details to pay attention on changing routes.