Gitkraken stuck at opening repo

Every time I open gitkrarken it gets stuck at opening repo icon. I can't open/clone/init repo. I heard some others have the same problem but no one seems to know why this is happening and what the solution is. Can anyone help with this?

UPDATE 1 Reinstalled it. Still having the same problem

Close gitkraken and go to your home directory. Delete the hidden folder ".gitkraken". The folder ".gitkraken" will be created automatically upon restart. This solution works for me.

For mac and linux users: rm -r ~/.gitkraken

I just had a similar (maybe the same) problem with GitKraken V2.7.0 x64 on Windows. GitKraken crashed and tried to open the repo after that. This never finished. I assume this is caused by visual studio which was open at the time and VS and GitKraken are not exactly friends. I killed GitKraken, closed VS. After that, when opening the repo in GitKraken, it said something like "there is no repo, do you want to initialize it?". This also failed. Not sure what the root cause for the problem is.

The solution however was to checkout another branch from the CLI. After that GitKraken magically worked again. Maybe this helps someone.

Not a proper solution, but I'm having the same problem. I've been able to work around it by closing down Visual Studio before opening GitKraken. It only gets stuck when opening and VS is already open.

*GitKraken 7.7.1 has resolved this issue, see below if issue persists.

Had this issue popup with GitKraken 7.7.0 today. Never had anything in the application error logs or the repo logs that seemed to point to a specific cause or source, but I've resolved the issue today and before (without losing any configuration settings) by:

Going to ->

AppData\Roaming\.gitkraken\profiles\[your profile]\profile


~/.gitkraken/profiles/[your profile]/profile

BACKUP this profile file or have it open in text editor able to undo changes.

Open 'profile' in text editor and remove the problematic repo entries under tabInfo -> tabs ->

  "tabInfo": {
    "tabs": [
      { <--- DELETE
        "id": "", <--- DELETE
        "type": "", <--- DELETE
        "repoName": "", <--- DELETE
        "repoPath": "" <--- DELETE
      }, <--- DELETE
    "selectedTabId": ""

Whenever I do this and reopen the problematic repo in GitKraken, it resolves the endless loading issue.


As per Borhan Kazimipour's answer, and based on feedback from GitKraken Support, a simple git gc on the repo directory can resolve the issue.