Enumerate or list all variables in a program of [your favorite language here] [closed]

A friend asked me last week how to enumerate or list all variables within a program/function/etc. for the purposes of debugging (essentially getting a snapshot of everything so you can see what variables are set to, or if they are set at all). I looked around a bit and found a relatively good way for Python:

foo1 = "Hello world"
foo2 = "bar"
foo3 = {"1":"a",
foo4 = "1+1"

for name in dir():
    myvalue = eval(name)
    print name, "is", type(name), "and is equal to ", myvalue

which will output something like:

__builtins__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to  <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
__doc__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to  None
__file__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to  ./foo.py
__name__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to  __main__
foo1 is <type 'str'> and is equal to  Hello world
foo2 is <type 'str'> and is equal to  bar
foo3 is <type 'str'> and is equal to  {'1': 'a', '2': 'b'}
foo4 is <type 'str'> and is equal to  1+1

I have so far found a partial way in PHP (courtesy of link text) but it only lists all variables and their types, not the contents:

// create a few variables
$bar = 'foo';
$foo ='bar';
// create a new array object
$arrayObj = new ArrayObject(get_defined_vars());
// loop over the array object and echo variables and values
for($iterator = $arrayObj->getIterator(); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next())
        echo $iterator->key() . ' => ' . $iterator->current() . '<br />';

So I put it to you: how do you list all variables and their contents in your favorite language?

Edit by VonC: I propose this question follows the spirit of a little "code-challenge".
If you do not agree, just edit and remove the tag and the link.

In python, using locals which returns a dictionary containing all the local bindings, thus, avoiding eval:

>>> foo1 = "Hello world"
>>> foo2 = "bar"
>>> foo3 = {"1":"a",
...         "2":"b"}
>>> foo4 = "1+1"

>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(locals())
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>,
 '__doc__': None,
 '__name__': '__main__',
 'foo1': 'Hello world',
 'foo2': 'bar',
 'foo3': {'1': 'a', '2': 'b'},
 'foo4': '1+1',
 'pprint': <module 'pprint' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/pprint.pyc'>}



You could also recommend Spyder to your friend which shows those variables pretty much like Matlab does and provides a GUI for line-by-line debugging.

This is what it would look like in Ruby:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

foo1 = 'Hello world'
foo2 = 'bar'
foo3 = { '1' => 'a', '2' => 'b' }
foo4 = '1+1'

b = binding
local_variables.each do |var|
  puts "#{var} is #{var.class} and is equal to #{b.local_variable_get(var).inspect}"

which will output

foo1 is String and is equal to "Hello world"
foo2 is String and is equal to "bar"
foo3 is String and is equal to {"1"=>"a", "2"=>"b"}
foo4 is String and is equal to "1+1"

However, didn't you mean to output the type of object the variable references instead of the type used to represent the variable identifier? IOW, the type of foo3 should be Hash (or dict) instead of String, right? In that case, the code would be

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

foo1 = 'Hello world'
foo2 = 'bar'
foo3 = { '1' => 'a', '2' => 'b' }
foo4 = '1+1'

b = binding
local_variables.each do |var|
  val = b.local_variable_get(var)
  puts "#{var} is #{val.class} and is equal to #{val.inspect}"

and the result is

foo1 is String and is equal to "Hello world"
foo2 is String and is equal to "bar"
foo3 is Hash and is equal to {"1"=>"a", "2"=>"b"}
foo4 is String and is equal to "1+1"