Coherence mode in a remote desktop app

Parallels Desktop had a great feature "Coherence mode" that displays windows, of the VM, in the macOS UI as if they're part of macOS making the experience much better.

I have a powerful Windows (Pro, non-server) machine to which I connect from macOS using Microsoft's Remote Desktop app. This Windows PC is, due to it's i9 CPU and 32GB memory, a better choice than using a (Parallels) VM.

What I'm looking for is a remote desktop app that mimics the Coherence mode of Parallels Desktop.

The protocol it uses isn't important for me (RDP, VNC, etc) as long as it works.

Is something like this available? I couldn't find that (yet).

NB: Free or paid doesn't matter, although when paid I'm not want to pay more than $100 per year.

When using "plain RDP" it is not possible to achieve something similar to Coherence mode. The reason for that is that the Windows host sends a whole desktop to the remote client without any kind of specification as to where one application or window starts and another ends. I.e. it is desktop centric, and not window or application centric.

If your Windows computer happens to be running Windows Server (probably not that likely for a home user), then you can enable Remote Desktop Services (previously known as Terminal Services) and enable single-application sharing. That allows you to use RDP to connect to a single application instead of the whole desktop. It only works for one application though, and does not automatically separate a number of applications automatically like Coherence mode.

If you are a programmer (or even a hobby programmer), you can take a look at this project that shows how a Coherence-mode-like feature can be added to RDP. Essentially they add a component to the Windows server that augments the RDP protocol with information about the position and size of each application window - allowing the client to "cut out" each window and display it in separate native window frames. The whole desktop is still transferred though, and it comes with a bunch of limitations (note that the project does not include a client for Mac, you'll have to build that yourself).

If you look outside the realm of RDP, then a few alternatives exists in the VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure market). This is systems such as the quite common Citrix.

However, a less well known system comes very close to offering something similar to Coherency-mode in Parallels Desktop - not surprisingly it is an offering from the same company, namely Parallels Remote Application Server. Again it is a system that must be installed on the Windows server, and then a special (non-RDP) client is run on the Mac (freely available from the Mac App Store) in order to connect to the applications. The product is marketed at business users primarily, so it is usually not a good fit for home users. The license pricing currently starts at approx. 1.500 EUR per year for a 15-user license (the minimum license size).