Graphically display the information collected by powermetrics

how can I graphically display the information collected by powermetrics in the terminal as bar charts like in the following video?

enter image description here

I am very interested in the cpu/gpu frequency which is often not displayed by other tools. I want to know when my system is thermal throttling.

The tool is asitop

It took a while to find it - but managed to find it from one of the Max Tech presenters (source: )


The powermetrics command that comes with macOS does not have a text interface as the one screenshotted with charts, etc. It does however collect information and write them out in a standard format that makes it easy to create a small program that parses it and displays it in charts, etc.

As an example of such a program, you can take a look at this open source project:

It takes the data collected by powermetrics, parses it and generates nice looking charts for use on for example a blog or web site.

Another example is asitop:

As seen in the screenshot here from an extensive M1 benchmark:

Screenshot of asitop