What are the pros and cons to updating iOS with a full install via iTunes versus a delta update via the Settings app?

Advantages of full install via iTunes:

  • Device will be synced and backed up automatically during the update process
  • If at location without Wi-Fi access (and without an unlimited data plan), won't use up (large?) portion of the monthly quota
  • Device will be charging during the update

Disadvantages of full install:

  • Tethered to computer for the duration of the update (unless using Wi-Fi Sync)
  • Full update could be significantly slower due to the large upgrade file download

Advantages of delta update via Settings:

  • Convenient - no need to be tethered to a computer while updating
  • Delta updates are smaller - with potentially shorter total update time

Disadvantages of delta update:

  • Users might not back up devices if prior to running the delta update - a potential issue if the update fails
  • Update process might use significant portion of the device's charge on the battery, running risk of corruption if the battery dies during the update
  • If device isn't at 50% power, the device can't be updated via the update process unless plugged in (per this article):

To install these updates, however, you need to have at least 50 percent battery life on your device, or have it plugged into a power source.

I'm sure this list isn't comprehensive, but it contains most of the issues that I can think of.