Compression formats with good support for random access within archives?

Solution 1:

Take a look at dictzip. It is compatible with gzip and allows coarse random access.

An excerpt from its man page:

dictzip compresses files using the gzip(1) algorithm (LZ77) in a manner which is completely compatible with the gzip file format. An extension to the gzip file format (Extra Field, described in of RFC 1952) allows extra data to be stored in the header of a compressed file. Programs like gzip and zcat will ignore this extra data. However, [dictzcat --start] will make use of this data to perform pseudo-random access on the file.

I have the package dictzip in Ubuntu. Or its source code is in a dictd-*.tar.gz. Its license is GPL. You are free to study it.


I improved dictzip to have no file size limit. My implementation is under MIT license.

Solution 2:

I don't know of any compressed file format which would support random access to a specific location in the uncompressed data (well, except for multimedia formats), but you can brew your own.

For example, bzip2 compressed files are composed of independent compressed blocks of size <1MB uncompressed, which are delimited by sequences of magic bytes, so you could parse the bzip2 file, get the block boundaries and then just uncompress the right block. This would need some indexing to remember where do the blocks start.

Still, I think the best solution would be to split your file into chunks of your choice, and then compressing it with some archiver, like zip or rar, which support random access to individual files in the archive.

Solution 3:

The .xz file format (which uses LZMA compression) seems to support this:

Random-access reading: The data can be split into independently compressed blocks. Every .xz file contains an index of the blocks, which makes limited random-access reading possible when the block size is small enough.

This should be sufficient for your purpose. A drawback is that the API of liblzma (for interacting with these containers) does not seem that well-documented, so it may take some effort figuring out how to randomly access blocks.

Solution 4:

Solutions exist for providing random access to gzip and bzip2 archives:

  • gzip zran.c from the zlib source code
  • bzip2 Node.JS version of seek-bzip (The original C version by James Taylor seems to have disappeared from the internet...)

(I'm looking for something for 7zip)

Solution 5:

bgzip can compress files in a gzip variant which is indexable (and can be decompressed by gzip). This is used in some bioinformatics applications, together with the tabix indexer.

See explanations here:, and here:

I don't know to what extent it is adaptable to other applications.