How to configure Google Java Code Formatter in Intellij IDEA 17?

This problem can be solve installing the google-java-format Plugin.

  1. Open plugins window (CTRL+Shift+A): plugins

  2. Click on browse repositories.

  3. Search for google-java-format

  4. Install the plugin.

  5. Restart the IDE.

  6. Enable the plugin executing the action (Ctrl+Shift+A): Reformat with google-java-format

Additional notes from the google-java-format README

The plugin will be disabled by default. To enable it in the current project, go to File→Settings...→google-java-format Settings (or IntelliJ IDEA→Preferences...→Other Settings→google-java-format Settings on macOS) and check the Enable google-java-format checkbox. (A notification will be presented when you first open a project offering to do this for you.)

To enable it by default in new projects, use File→Other Settings→Default Settings....

As mentioned Here, Download the intellij-java-google-style.xml file from the This Link.

Then in Intellij, go Under Settings -> Editor -> Code Style. there in Scheme settings (settings icon on right side) -> import schemes-> intellij idea code style xml. Select the xml downloaded in first step. then in Scheme dropdown select the GoogleStyle IDE (newly added style). Click on apply and close.

After doing above steps mentioned by Lorenzo, for applying the setting in the current project :- Intellij>Preferences>google-java-format setting and enable it in intellij; as it wont be enabled by default after doing restart as well.

If you want to have this setting for the projects which will you create after installing this plugin , then Go to File >Other Settings> Default Settings> google-java-format-setting and enable it