How to get iTunes connect Team ID and Team name?

I'm writing down an Appfile for fastlane, my problem is I already have the team_name and team_id in Apple Dev Center but I can't get the iTunes Connect ID/itc_team_id. I'm working with different team. How do I get it? Any guide would be great. Thanks

If you are not on your Mac, you can get it through the iTunes connect website.

  • Login to App Store Connect (
  • Get output (JSON) from (
  • You can now get your iTunes Connect ids from the associatedAccounts array with the different contentProvider objects - the entry named contentProviderId reflects the iTunes Connect id, lookup for the name value to pick the correct one


You can get it directly from Spaceship (See the "Login" section) (

Basically just type the following in a shell:

$ irb
irb> require "spaceship"
irb> Spaceship::Tunes.login("iTunesConnect_username", "iTunesConnect_password")
irb> Spaceship::Tunes.select_team

You'll be presented with a list of teams your account belongs to, along with the numerical representation for that team.

Instead of trying to get it manually, just run fastlane without specifying the team ID. Once the selection is required, fastlane will list all the available iTunes Connect teams and their IDs, and you can then store this number.

Add below lane code to your fastlane Fastfile and run fastlane getTeamNames

 lane :getTeamNames do
  require "spaceship" 
  clientTunes = Spaceship::Tunes.login("{appleID}", "{applePassword}")
  client = Spaceship::Portal.login("{appleID}", "{applePassword}")

  strClientTunes = "" 
  clientTunes.teams.each do |team|
      UI.message "#{team['contentProvider']['name']} (#{team['contentProvider']['contentProviderId']})"
      strClientTunes << "#{team['contentProvider']['name']} (#{team['contentProvider']['contentProviderId']})||"
  File.write('ItunesTeamNames', strClientTunes[0..-3])

  strDevPortal = "" 
  client.teams.each do |team|
      UI.message "#{team['name']} (#{team['teamId']})"
      strDevPortal << "#{team['name']} (#{team['teamId']})||"
  File.write('DevTeamNames', strDevPortal[0..-3])


Get iTunes connect Team ID and Team name from ItunesTeamNames and DevTeamNames files in fastlane folder

Note:- Replace {appleID} and {applePassword} with your apple id and password