What does it mean that Lubuntu and Ubuntu Precise Pangolin have different "Supported until" dates?

Ubuntu and Lubuntu have different "Supported until" dates for Precise Pangolin (since Ubuntu have LTS releases, but Lubuntu does not).

What exactly does this mean, for me as a user, if I have Lubuntu installed, given that both distros use the same apt repository? – Will I not get security updates for Lubuntu-related packages after April 2013? If so, which packages are those? Or are there any other consequences?

P.S. Ubuntu Precise Pangolin is supported until April 2017, while Lubuntu Precise Pangolin is supported until October 2013.

EDIT: Added the bold text.

EDIT 2: I'm wondering what updates etc. I'll get be on a Lubuntu system after October 2013. (Given that both distros use the same apt repo, and that apt repo will continue to be updated until mainline Ubuntu is no longer supported, in April 2017.)

Solution 1:

Lubuntu 12.04 it's NOT the LTS and it will come to an EOL like the rest of non-LTS releases. Trusty Tahr 14.04 will be the first Lubuntu LTS release with five years of support.

From official website dedicated to Lubuntu documentation.

Please note that Lubuntu 12.04 is not an LTS (5 years support), but a standard release, supported for 18 months. This is simply due the fact there is insufficient 'man-power' to commit to 5 years of support.

*You will receive updates for 5 years, yet not for all of your packages including LXDE.

(for example packages by Canonical or Ubuntu One Team: Ubuntu One or Firefox won't be updated for Lubuntu) Yet if you curious about every single package, when you'll be on Lubuntu run:

apt-cache show packagename | grep ^Supported

and you'll see if it's supported yet or not on your current system.


And it's actually 12.10 that is still supported. And Ubuntu 12.10 comes to an EOL this April 2014 and 12.10 it's not LTS either. And no you will not get support, fixes, security updates for an EOL version of Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu etc...