What app owns a menu bar item without installing XCode?

How to identify a strange item on my menubar? says that XCode > Open Developer Tool > Accessibility Inspector can be used to find out what app/program has created a menu bar item.

How can I find out without installing XCode?

enter image description here

In Script Editor, try the following command to see if it help gives any information to figure it out. BTW you can replace {name, title} with properties to get even more information:

tell application "System Events" to return {name, title} of menu bar items of menu bar 1 of process "ControlCenter"

If it does not belong to process "ControlCenter", or it was not determined what it was, then try the following:

  • Open Automator and create a new workflow.
  • Click the Record button (red dot).
  • Click the target menu item on the menu bar.
  • Stop the recording.
  • In the Watch Me Do action created by the recording, drag and drop the event to the open area just below the Watch Me Do action.

It should create a Run AppleScript action in which it should show the name of the application process to which it belongs.

As an example I clicked the icon for Hammerspoon and in the Run AppleScript action there was a line e.g.:

set uiScript to "click menu bar item 1 of menu bar 2 of application process \"Hammerspoon\"