Deleting an undeletable Directory in Windows 7

I have encountered a problem from time to time but have not been able to resolve it without formatting.

I have a directory called d:\DotNet that I want to delete. I cannot because inside this folder there is another folder called: T4 Code generation and Misc.

When I try to deleting or access T4 Code generation and Misc., I get the following error:

Could not find this item

This is no longer located in D:\DotNet. Verify this item's location and try again.

Hopefully this is a simple fix.

Solution 1:

Try the following:

  1. Open CMD and CD into the location where the file is at
  2. Type dir /a /x /p which will show you the hidden files and the 8.3 filenames which usually look like: C:Progra~1
  3. Since it is a folder you want to delete, run rd /s <8.3name>