Apache VirtualHost Proxy with a Subdirectory

Sure. But be careful; a lot of web applications aren't designed well for having their URL path change. Is the application used in a sub-directory currently?

# You'll probably want this to maintain the host mapping in IIS
ProxyPreserveHost On
# Swap in the IP address or internal host name of your IIS server:
ProxyPass /subdir/

Or, if you're altering the URL path, keeping in mind that a lot of applications will have problems with this, due to absolute paths for resources (CSS, javascript, images):

ProxyPass /subdir/
ProxyPassReverse /subdir/

the final slash on the end is NOT mandatory. I had it setup like this

ProxyPass /dir http://exmpale.com/dir/ 

ProxyPassReverse /dir http://exmpale.com/dir/ 

and the the top level worked but eveyrything in subdirs beneath the main one did not.

I changed it to this and everything worked.

Thanks for the misinformation!!!

ProxyPass /dir http://exmpale.com/dir

ProxyPassReverse /dir http://exmpale.com/dir