Why are my USB microphones recording with stutter?

I've now tried a number of USB microphones with my high-end Mac (a very fast machine). While I can record just fine with a 3.5mm jack microphone, any recording from the USB microphones (via Zoom, Quicktime, whatever) comes in with a stutter - like, parts of the recording are either missing or sort of jammed on to the previous part of the sound. What is going on, how to fix that?

Solution 1:

Does it come with a control panel of any sort? Sounds like you need to raise the buffer so it can keep up - basically the computer is 'too busy' to process realtime.
Alternatively, try changing the input sample rate in Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup

enter image description here

Rates may be variable between 16k right up to 48, 96 or 192k, depending on the device capabilities. Zoom, Skype etc don't really need more than 32k. The lower the figure, the easier it is to process.