Disable Options on React-Native Text Input

You should add 2 attributes selectTextOnFocus and editable

For example:

<TextInput editable={false} selectTextOnFocus={false} />

Just give your textinput the attribute editable={false}

contextMenuHidden is to disable the user from pasting text into certain fields and to hide context menu.

Update: This hasn’t been included in a release yet. You can always see what release any commit is in by clicking on the link and looking at the tags. so I wouldn't expect it to be on a stable release until 0.55.

<TextInput contextMenuHidden={true} />

Check the commit here: Add option to hide context menu for TextInput

Set pointerEvents to none on parent View of TextInput to disable touch events, consider following example:

<View pointerEvents="none">
  <TextInput ... />