Checking if the object is of same type

Solution 1:

You could use the is operator:

if (data is Person)
    // `data` is an instance of Person

Another possibility is to use the as operator:

var person = data as Person;
if (person != null)
    // safely use `person` here

Or, starting with C# 7, use a pattern-matching form of the is operator that combines the above two:

if (data is Person person)
    // `data` is an instance of Person,
    // and you can use it as such through `person`.

Solution 2:

It depends on exactly what you're after. Using is or as (as shown in Darin's answer) will tell you if data refers to an instance of Person or a subtype. That's the most common form (although if you can design away from needing it, that would be even better) - and if that's what you need, Darin's answer is the approach to use.

However, if you need an exact match - if you don't want to take the particular action if data refers to an instance of some class derived from Person, only for Person itself, you'll need something like this:

if (data.GetType() == typeof(Person))

This is relatively rare - and it's definitely worth questioning your design at this point.