Software keyboard resizes background image on Android

Solution 1:

Ok I fixed it by using


entry inside <Activity > tag in manifest file. I think it was caused by having ScrollView inside the Activity.

Solution 2:

I faced the same problem while developing a chat app, chat screen with a background image. android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" squeezed my background image to fit the available space after the soft keyboard was displayed and "adjustPan" shifted the whole layout up to adjust the soft keyboard. The solution to this problem was setting the window background instead of a layout background inside an activity XML. Use getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable() in your activity.

Solution 3:

Here is the best solution to avoid such kind of problem.

Step 1: Create a style

<style name="ChatBackground" parent="AppBaseTheme">
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/bg_chat</item>

Step 2: Set your activity style in the AndroidManifest file

    android:theme="@style/ChatBackground" >