How do I manipulate the stock market?

With the addition of the various stock exchanges across the galaxy, its now possible to buy shares in companies and futures in commodities. Do my actions in any of the stock exchange areas affect any other areas in the galaxy? For example, if I were to buy all futures for entertainment chips in stock exchange zone, will it affect the prices of entertainment chips in neighboring zones?

Are the corporation stock prices affected by anything in the game? If their trading ships were to mysteriously disappear, will it drive down their stock?

Finally, can I collapse the universe economy? If I were to buy all available futures in energy cells, can I create a galactic wide energy depression until everyone's forced to purchase from me and I can charge them an outrageous price?

Corporation stocks are determined by the value of all of their combined assets, so if you pirated, say, OTAS ships all to hell, then yes, their stock prices would go down.

Company stocks shift randomly, it seems. Nothing affects them externally.

Futures in items like weapons or food are determined by supply and demand, so if you bought up all the meatsteaks in existence, you'd drive stock prices to extremes. Alternately, if you suddenly flooded the market with meatsteaks, prices on their stock would plummet.

Futures in Natural items also appear to shift randomly.

So yes, you can manipulate the market, but only by actually removing or bolstering supply, or in the case of corporations, assets in any form, be it ships, goods, or stations.

I filled a Mammoth with 8200ish units of Nividium (Mined in Guiding Star), jumped into PTNI Headquarters, bought all the shares for Nividium (cost around 130Mil), jumped to Nyanas Hideout, and sold for about 500 mil. Remember to keep a ship or sat in PTNI so you can remote trade.

I started with a TS filled with 700ish units of Nividium until I could afford more mining ships and the Mammoth. Stopped long enough to mine out the Nividium in Guiding Star and then went to town on the Profitssss.