How do I open multiple terminals?

I just downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 and as far as I can remember, there was the option of opening multiple terminals in tabs in Ubuntu. I cannot discover this feature in 11.04. Also, as a general query, suppose I open emacs from the terminal, then I wouldn't be able to do anything else on that terminal as long as I have emacs running, so what is a good way to multi-task?

CTRL + Shift + N will open a new terminal window if you are already working in the terminal, alternatively you can just select "Open Terminal" form the file menu as well.

And like @Alex said you can open a new tab by pressing CTRL + Shift + T.

Check out Terminator as well. It's in the repo's

enter image description here

right click on mouse and select open tab.

enter image description here

You may open a new tab by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T, or go to File ->New tab`.