Folders having numeric names don't appear on search results

I have been facing a problem with searching for folders having solely numeric characters for their names. They have stopped appearing in the results. I am using macOS Catalina. At first, I thought that a mere restart would fix it, but it did not.

As a simple test, I created a folder named 12345678 inside my Downloads directory. Then I click on search and entered the folder name 12345678. The result was empty for both scopes (This Mac and Downloads folder)

Other folders having alphabetic names/alpha-numeric names appear correctly on the search results.

Does anyone know what the problem could be? Any advice would be very helpful.

PS: I'm not sure if this is related, but, many of my tags have also stopped working. Again to test this, I created a folder and added a Red tag. Then I got to Red tags in Finder, but the folder isn't there.

Solution 1:

I think you have to surround the numeric name with quotes in search window. Ex: "12345678".