Access vue instance/data inside filter method

I'm trying to access vue instance data inside filter function like this. JS:-

new Vue({
  amount: 10,
   currency: function(amount){
             //return amount * this.exchangeRate;
            return amount *50;



<div id="app">
 {{ amount | currency}}

My goal is to use return amount * this.exchangeRate; but this is equal to window here. How can I do this ? Thanks. jsfiddle

Solution 1:

According to Evan, the creator of Vue:

Use methods primarily for triggering state alterations. When you call a method, it generally implies some side effect.

Use filters primarily for simple text formatting that needs to be reused all across your app. Filters should be pure - no side effects, just data in and data out.

Use computed properties for local, component-specific data transforms. Similar to filters, computed getters should be pure.

There is a special case where you want to compute something using a scope variable that is only available in the template (e.g. a v-for alias), in such cases it's okay to use "helper methods" so that you can compute something by passing it arguments.


So, since the filter depends on the component, I think you should use a computed property in this case instead of a filter.

Solution 2:

Like this:

new Vue({
  amount: 10,
   currency: function(amount, exchange){
             //return amount * this.exchangeRate; <- can't do, must pass it in
            return amount * exchange;

<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
 {{ amount | currency(exchangeRate)}}

Solution 3:

I see there are two options you have, either use a method/computed property or pass additional parameter to filter. You can not access this inside filter, as purpose of filter is simple like text transformation, etc. from the docs:

filters are primarily designed for text transformation purposes. For more complex data transforms in other directives, you should use Computed properties instead.