Package version is always 1.0.0 with dotnet pack
Solution 1:
Better yet, specify /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)
(TFS/VSTS) on the dotnet pack command and it will build it with the specified version in the nuget package.
Example (non TFS specific):
dotnet pack .\src\example\example.csproj -o c:\published\example -c Release /p:Version=1.2.3
Example (TFS specific) <- we use this for our TFS 2017 packing using a powershell script step.
dotnet pack $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\example\example.csproj -o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Pack -c Release /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)
Note: It does not update package reference versions.
Solution 2:
When you use dotnet pack
, the version is pulled from the project definition (previously project.json
, now *.csproj
), not AssemblyInfo.cs
. So, your new workflow will be very similar to what it was with project.json
From the project.json to csproj migration docs, you can use the VersionPrefix
and VersionSuffix
"version": "1.0.0-alpha-*"
You can also use the single Version
property, but the docs warn that this "may override version settings during packaging".
Solution 3:
NOTE: I understand this question is not specifically about VSTS/Azure Dev Ops but a search for how to do this on a build pipeline lands here so adding what worked for me
- Use the dotnet core task
- Tools version 2.*
- Command = custom
- Custom Command = pack
- Arguments =
-p:Version=1.0.$(Build.BuildId) -o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
The -o argument is required if the task following the packaging is going to push to a feed (isn't that why one would build packages?)