How to change ONLY the prompt color of the Windows command-line? [duplicate]

As we all know, Windows command-line have the white-black color scheme. And we could use:


command to change the colors of background and text.

But the command above will change the whole text in the command-line. E.g. the result of command is as follows:


enter image description here

But I don't want this kind of color-scheme because that makes no difference with the original white-black one. It is hard to distinguish the command you input and the output of the command. What I want is something like this:

enter image description here

I want the color of command prompt is different with other text on the screen so that I can find the command I input easily. But I only get the solution on Linux. It uses:

export PS1=”\[\e[35;1m\][\u@\h: \W]\$\[\e[0m\] “

So my question is:

How can I change the color of command prompt like the above one on Windows?

Thanks very much.


Following the prompt of @Luke I finally get the solution. Anyone who is interested in this topic please hit the two links below: &

It is "ANSI hack developped for the CMD.exe shell".

Wish that would be helpful for you.

Solution 1:

  1. Get ANSI color support:
  • NOTE: Current/Updated Windows 10 console already supports ANSI

  • Install ANSICON (source) for ANSI support in legacy windows consoles.

  • Hyper supports ANSI colors.

  • ConEmu supports ANSI colors.

  1. Setup your command prompt via environment settings...
  • Click / press Start
  • type env
  • Click Edit environment variables for your account
  • Edit / Add a PROMPT variable

  1. More information on prompt options
  • Scott Hanselman's Blog - A Better PROMPT...
  • Microsoft TechNet - PROMPT

  1. My own prompt...
  • $_$E[1;30;40m[$E[0;36;40m%computername% | %userdomain%\%username%$E[1;30;40m] $E[0;33;40m$M$_$E[35;40m$d$s$t$h$h$h$h$h$h$_$E[1;33;40m$p$_$E[1;30;40m$g $E[0;37;40m
  • $E - escape character
  • $E[...m - ANSI Color Sequence
  • $_ - New line
  • $d - Date
  • $t - Time
  • $h - Backspace (get rid of seconds and fractional seconds)
  • $p - Current Path
  • $m - Mount Path (if in a mounted drive)
  • $g - Greater than sign