How to run scripts without typing the full path?

Solution 1:

You can just create symlink. Create it in /usr/local/bin. All you need is to run command:

sudo ln -s /full/path/to/your/file /usr/local/bin/name_of_new_command

After that you should make your file executable:

chmod +x /full/path/to/your/file

Now you should be able to run name_of_new_command at any time in your terminal.

Note that this is good solution only for home usage of Linux.

Solution 2:

You can add /opt/idea/bin to your PATH variable:


After this you can run it with simply

You probably want to add this line in your ~/.bashrc file.

Solution 3:

You can create a function in your ~/.bashrc:

some-name () {
    # or:
    #cd /path/to/your

Or you can create an alias:

alias some-name='/path/to/your/file'
# or  
#alias some-name='cd /path/to/your/; ./file'

In both cases, you can run it by calling:

$ some-name

If the file doesn't depend on where it's running, consider adding it to your ~/bin:

mkdir -p ~/bin
cp /path/to/you/file ~/bin
# or mv /path/to/you/file ~/bin
# or ln -s /path/to/you/file ~/bin

~/bin, if it exists, gets added to your $PATH automatically. Then you directly call file:

$ file

(Bad choice of name though, consider calling it something less generic.)