Visual Studio Code status bar color

Visual Studio Code's default status bar color is blue and I find it quite distracting. I used this extension to change the color but it has stopped working after the 1.10.2 update.

You can change the colour of the statusbar by editing the user settings by adding these lines of code in it:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "statusBar.background" : "#1A1A1A",
    "statusBar.noFolderBackground" : "#212121",
    "statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#263238"

  1. Gonna save 30 minutes of time to noobs like me - it has to be edited in the settings.json file. Easiest way to acces is to File -> Preferences -> Settings, search for "Color", choose an option "Workbench: Color Customizations" -> "Edit in settings.json".

  2. This uses the solution proposed by "Gama11", but !note!: the final form of the code in the settings.json should be like this - note double curly braces around "workbench.colorCustomizations":

  // fontSize just for testing purposes, commented out.
  //"editor.fontSize" : 12

  // StatusBar color:
     "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
     "statusBar.background" : "#303030",
     "statusBar.noFolderBackground" : "#222225",
     "statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#511f1f"

After you copy/pasted code above, press Ctrl+S to save the changes to 'settings.json'.

Solution has been adapted from here: