What purpose do chests serve?

I see that in Minicraft, you can create chests. I assume these act as storage containers, but I don't understand the purpose of them. So far, there seems to be no limit to what I can carry and as death is permanent, there seems to be little value in squirreling things away.

So why do chests exist at all?

Solution 1:

I think they exist as item organizers for now. Dunno if the dev plans to do anything else in the future.

Solution 2:

Seeing how there is no way to drop items on the ground, I would assume they are just there to store items you don't need.

For example, when you get a stone pickaxe, your wooden pickaxe would become obsolete. To help clear out your inventory a bit and make browsing the items you need easier, you could place the wooden pickaxe inside a chest.