Word for putting a Y between every X

Let's say I have a series of things...


...and I'm putting something else between each one:


Is there a verb for this? For example, between every workweek (X) there is a weekend (Y). Possible sentence: "Workweeks are _____ed with/by weekends."

The closest word I came up with is intersperse, but this seems to have a connotation of haphazardness or randomness (Oxford definition: to "scatter among or between other things; place here and there"). "Workweeks are interspersed with weekends" suggests a certain randomness to the occurrence of weekends, whereas I want to convey that a Y has been consistently placed between every X. Is there a word for this?

Solution 1:

I think I found the word I was looking for: interleave.

  1. (transitive) To insert (pages, which are normally blank) between the pages of a book.
  2. (transitive) To intersperse (something) at regular intervals between the parts of a thing or between items in a group.

Source: Wiktionary

This has the connotation I was looking for: that of interspersing a Y between every X (as in definition 1: a blank page between every page of a book).