onEnter no longer exists on react-router-4. You should use <Route render={ ... } /> to get your desired functionality. I believe Redirect example has your specific scenario. I modified it below to match yours.

<Route exact path="/home" render={() => (
  isLoggedIn() ? (
    <Redirect to="/front"/>
  ) : (
    <Home />

From react-router-v4 onEnter, onUpdate, and onLeave is removed, according the documentation on migrating from v2/v3 to v4:

on* properties
React Router v3 provides onEnter, onUpdate, and onLeave methods. These were essentially recreating React's lifecycle methods.

With v4, you should use the lifecycle methods of the component rendered by a <Route>. Instead of onEnter, you would use componentDidMount or componentWillMount. Where you would use onUpdate, you can use componentDidUpdate or componentWillUpdate (or possibly componentWillReceiveProps). onLeave can be replaced with componentWillUnmount.