A saying for 'using the right tools to do the right job'

Any ideas for a saying that means the opposite of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Basically I need something that means if the problem is big, then don't underestimate it, and make sure you have the right tool

Solution 1:

The answer is in the question : 'the right tool for the job' sometimes (as in the question) stated as 'the right tool for the right job'.

One of my grandfather’s favorite sayings was “Use the right tool for the job”—common-sense advice that applies to a wide range of situations.

Dr Dobbs

Relevant to the context of the question is :

Communication : Choosing the right tool for the job

Automation World

Solution 2:

If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

From Quote Investigator; also Wikipedia.

The implication is that different problems require different solutions (or tools).