What is the antonym of the prefix retro-?

A coworker and I are discussing the word "retromingent", which means urinating backwards. We are wondering what the opposite would be: the word that means urinating forwards.

What is the opposite of the prefix "retro-"?

Solution 1:

Well, retro- comes from Latin, originally meaning backward, back, or behind. Antero- is used in some technical contexts (such as anterograde amnesia) but it's rather uncommon. It literally means before or in front of, as in the related ante- (vs. post-).

You might be looking for something more along the lines of pro- (or progre-). In short:

retro- : back :: pro- : forth

Solution 2:

I'd go with antero-:

a combining form with the meaning “situated in front, fore,” used in the formation of compound words
from dictionary.com

Solution 3:

Retro stands for something from yesteryear, most commonly used for style or fashion. In my opinion the antonym in that sense should be "modern" or "prospective".