What is a word or phrase to describe someone who works shabbily so others will do his / her work?

Solution 1:

I know a guy just like this. He is not ashamed of what he does. He told me that he deliberately serves up coffee and biscuits to the Board Room in a sloppy manner so that he will not be asked to do it again. All he does is done badly, so others have to follow him around, clearing up.

Left alone, his sloppy work will result in us losing clients, so we have no alternative but to follow him around, undoing what he does deliberately, in order for him to have a free lunch.

He is a parasite.

Parasites Are People Too. But that doesn't make them any less frustrating

Merriam Webster

The CDC definition is as follows :

A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from or at the expense of its host

Centre for Disease Control