Will I face a problem if I have a different email ID for Android and Apple?

I forgot the answers to my Apple ID security questions, and now, I cannot get my Apple ID back. So, I decided to use a new Apple ID for my brand new, and very first, iPhone.

Will I face a problem for having a different Email ID for Android, and one for Apple? Like, any app or say where I purchased a subscription that can be shared between Android and Apple devices ?

Solution 1:

I think it's worth explaining a point here that might be getting lost.

Any app you purchased from the Google Play store, you'll need to purchase again on the Apple App Store. There's no sharing there - they're just totally different.

However, apps where you pay the app maker directly, and not the App Store, will have some other account - one directly with the app developer. For example, Disney Plus, or Netflix, or Amazon Prime; all of those, you may have a separate account with the app developer. In those cases, the separate account is with whatever email you want it to be with - it doesn't have to be the same as that of the App Store email. You would have to log in with that service again with whatever that email is - but it would work fine.

Please note that, at the present, not very many apps work this way; for the most part, on iOS, you buy from Apple only. The primary exception is "reader" apps, where you buy media somewhere else and then stream or download it; hence my mention of video apps earlier. There are a few other apps that do work this way, but they're very rare. This may change soon, due to various lawsuits and laws, but hasn't yet.

For clarity: Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Spotify all work like reader/streaming apps. You have a subscription with them, and you can use it on both iPhone and android.

Solution 2:

You are unlikely to have a problem with different email ids across different devices. I have owned both Apple and Android devices for several years, I have never come across a situation where an app/subscription was shared across both platforms. In fact I have had to buy new apps when I changed phones within the same platform (Android to newer Android) because the creators of the app could not/were not interested in catering for people upgrading phones. Effectively with an Apple phone and a separate Android phone you have two identities-one for each platform.

For the Android devices I've owned I've always gone with a new email address each time and just appended the device name so I know which device an email is related to e.g. [email protected], [email protected], ...

Solution 3:

If you changed your Apple Id, you can no longer access apps / subscriptions purchased with your old Apple Id. So if you have bought any apps, music or video from the App Store or Itunes Store, you will no longer have access to it. In such a case, it is best to contact Apple support and ask them to reset your password.

As for sharing some paid service on both Apple and Android, usually you won't have any issues. Unless they send you some important information though, to your old email id - like some verification link when you sign-in to a new device. So it is best to contact customer support of the company offering the service / subscription and request them to update and change your email id to something you still have access to.