How do I show statistics for author's contributions in git?

As simple as: git shortlog -s -n

You could try git-stats or use git command to explore from the logs

Refer following posts

  1. Graphical Stats - Generating statistics from Git repository
  3. Which Git commit stats are easy to pull
  4. PR-Count Github App - Github ONLY. Thanks @ben

You should have a look to repoXplorer, an open source project I develop. It is able to compute stats for a project (a group of git repositories) as well as for a contributor and a group of contributors. It provides a REST interface and a web UI. The web UI provides various information like, for a given contributor:

  • commits, lines changed and projects count
  • date histogram of commits
  • top projects by commits
  • top projects by lines changed

But best is to have a look to the demo instance here.

Here is a screenshot of the stats page of a contributor (stats are computed accross all repositories indexed by repoxplorer, but can be filtered for a specific project):

enter image description here