How do you handle updates on a server?

Solution 1:

Cron-apt does exactly this:

Solution 2:

I like to have the minimum of auto-updated packages and the important ones are the security updates. For this reason, I add the following to the cron-apt config file:

OPTIONS="-o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/etc/apt/security.sources.list"

and then make /etc/apt/security.sources.list have just the Debian security repositories enabled. That way, I get all the security updates automatically installed in a timely manner (each night) and I can do other, riskier upgrades that might break things by hand.

Solution 3:

You should also look at running your own cron job if using aptitude:

    (bottom of the page)

Also look at the package Etckeeper for keeping backups of your /etc files in a repository (git, mercurial etc.).