How to update the constant height constraint of a UIView programmatically?

Solution 1:

Select the height constraint from the Interface builder and take an outlet of it. So, when you want to change the height of the view you can use the below code.

yourHeightConstraintOutlet.constant = someValue

Method updateConstraints() is an instance method of UIView. It is helpful when you are setting the constraints programmatically. It updates constraints for the view. For more detail click here.

Solution 2:

If you have a view with multiple constrains, a much easier way without having to create multiple outlets would be:

In interface builder, give each constraint you wish to modify an identifier:

enter image description here

Then in code you can modify multiple constraints like so:

for constraint in self.view.constraints {
    if constraint.identifier == "myConstraint" {
       constraint.constant = 50

You can give multiple constrains the same identifier thus allowing you to group together constrains and modify all at once.