How can I restart a Windows 7 computer without screen or mouse?

Solution 1:

Found this article that provides the following advice. Tested and works on Win7 Pro 64 but haven't tested on any other versions.

Press Windows key. Release it.
Press →→ (right arrow key twice).
Press ↑.
Hit Enter.

Also can do Windows → → ↑ R.

Solution 2:

Hitting the power button should initiate a proper Windows shutdown.

Another option is the Shutdown command. You can either hit Win+R to bring up the run dialog, and type something like shutdown -r -f -t 00 to force a reboot immediately.

You may need to be logged in as an administrator for this to work.

Perhaps you could also create a .BAT batch file to run the shutdown.exe command, and then pin a shortcut to it to the task-bar. Once that's done you should be able to use Win + a number key related to the position to the pin on the task-bar to run it.

Check out this question for more info on that: Usage of Windows+Number combination on Windows 7

Another alternative is that you can keep hitting Alt+F4 to shutdown programs in order, and once you're at the desktop and hit it, Windows will pop-up the shutdown dialog you can navigate by KB.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Use Win+R, then type

shutdown /r /f

then hit enter

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