Collapse all methods in Visual Studio Code [duplicate]
In Visual Studio Professional, we have a shortcut key, Ctrl + M Ctrl + O to collapse all methods and properties in a class. How can I do a similar thing in Visual Studio Code?
I know there are shortcut keys like Ctrl + Shift + [, but this does not meet the needs.
Is it possible to get the Visual Studio Professional-like behaviour in Visual Studio Code?
Fold All:
- Windows: Ctrl + K Ctrl +
- Mac: ⌘ + K ⌘ +
- Windows: Ctrl + K Ctrl +
Unfold All:
- Windows: Ctrl + K Ctrl + J
- Mac: ⌘ + K ⌘ + J
To see all available shortcuts in the editor:
- Windows: Ctrl + K Ctrl + S
- Mac: ⌘ + K ⌘ + S
All shortcuts kept up to date by the Visual Studio Code team: Visual Studio Code Shortcuts
- Ctrl + K + 0: fold all levels (namespace, class, method, and block)
- Ctrl + K + 1: namspace
- Ctrl + K + 2: class
- Ctrl + K + 3: methods
- Ctrl + K + 4: blocks
- Ctrl + K + [ or Ctrl + k + ]: current cursor block
- Ctrl + K + j: UnFold
Like this ? (Visual Studio Code version 0.10.11)
Fold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+0)
Unfold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+J)
Fold Level n (Ctrl+K Ctrl+N)
The beauty of Visual Studio Code is
Ctrl + Shift + P
Hit it and search anything you want.
In your case, hit Ctrl + Shift + P and type fold all.
Mac Users
Fold Commands
Unfold commands