Efficient key bindings using both Mac and Linux
After a number of months, I did come to a solution that I like.
- On the Mac, I got used to the fact that there are 3 main modifiers: Cmd, Ctrl, Opt.
- On the Linux box, I use the same kinesis keyboard and have the same layout for the modifiers, such that I map:
Mac => Linux CMD == Ctrl Opt == Alt Ctrl == Ctrl
The key was to have ctrl twice. And then I got used to the differences between cmd and ctrl on the mac, and on the PC, it worked out that ctrl is the key. For example:
In Chrome:
Ctrl-tab on the Mac ==> Ctrl-tab on Linux
Cmd-C on the Mac ==> Ctrl-c on Linux.
So I can hit two different keys on Linux and get the same result as the Mac.
If you have a windows type keyboard, you can remap something like the special windows key to be the mac command key.
I've since switched to just using a Mac, and, without a doubt, that's way more efficient for touch typing!
I went through this a while ago and found someones autokey setup (I would give credit if I could find where it came from).
I modified it for some things that were missing for my setup, but here it is:
It gets me to like 95% percent of all the keystrokes being the same.
Some things that are still different cmd + right and cmd + left don't act the same, on Linux I use alt+page-up and down.
I ended up depending on vim bindings in my editor to keep me sane, I would recommend that if it's possible for what you're doing.
Oh, and guake has a configurable copy and paste setting for the terminal, so I set that to be alt+c and alt+p for terminal shenanigans