In Numbers can a chart follow a table's increasing range?

I'm growing a table and also have a chart associated with it but when I add columns I have to go back to the chart and "edit data references". When I was growing the chart from right to left, I didn't have this issue. The chart would continue to grow because I was adding rows within the range. Wondering if this can be automated or handled differently.

This is the way I was doing it and graph didn't need to be edited.

tell application "Numbers"
    tell the table 1 of sheet 1 of document "The Doc"
        delay 1
        add column before the range "E1:E2"
        set the value of cell "E1" to time string of (current date)
        repeat with i from 2 to the count of cells of column "E"
            set the value of cell i of column "E" to (the value of cell i of column "C")
        end repeat

    end tell
end tell

This is the way I'm doing it now but I have to always edit the data references.

tell application "Numbers"
    tell the table 1 of sheet 1 of document "The Doc"
        set column count to column count + 1
        set myLastColumn to column count
        set the value of cell 1 of column myLastColumn to time string of (current date)
        repeat with i from 2 to the count of cells of column "A"
            set the value of cell i of column myLastColumn of rows to (the value of cell i of column "D")
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell

Solution 1:

Not sure if there is a better way but this is working.

tell application "Numbers"
    tell the table 1 of sheet 1 of document "The Doc"
        set myColumn to column count
        add column before the column column count
        set the value of cell 1 of column myColumn to time string of (current date)
        repeat with i from 2 to the count of cells of column "A"
            set the value of cell i of column myColumn of rows to (the value of cell i of column "D")
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell