“This program might not have installed correctly” in Windows 7

When I try to install any software or execute any .exe file in windows 7 computer, it gives me a notification message saying that

“This Program might not have installed correctly“.

Why ? that's virus ? Or my Windows7 is Broken ? Please tell me the solution.

How to Disable “This program might not have installed correctly” Warning, Right? Try this tutorial;

Go to the start menu and type “services.msc” in the search box then press enter.

A new window “Services” will be displayed. A lots of services are listed in this window. Search for “Program Compatibility Assistance Service” in the list. Right click on this service and select “Stop“.

Now again right click on “Program Compatibility Assistance Service” and select “Properties“. A “Program Compatibility Assistance Service Properties” window will appear. Under “General” tab in the “Startup type” section, click on the drop-down menu and select “Disabled“. Click on “Apply” then “OK“.

Now the Program Compatibility Assistant is disabled. To get effect restart your computer. To check the Program Compatibility Assistant is disable or not open the task manager (Ctrl+shift+Esc) and search for “PcaSvc” service under the service tab. Hopefully, you don’t find this service in the task manager. Finally you have done your job sucessfully.

sc : http://www.techtipsgeek.com/fix-problem-this-program-might-not-have-installed-correctly-windows-7/5866/

When you try to install any software or execute any .exe file which may be not compatible with windows 7 computer, it gives you a notification message saying that “This Program might not have installed correctly“. This feature of windows 7 becomes sometime very useful because you are informed if you have done something wrong when installing any program.

But if this warning message pops up every time you install a program, even you’ve installed the program correctly and the program works very fine, you definitely feel irritating. It would be better to disable this annoying window.

Open the Windows services configuration by typing services.msc in the start menu run box. Locate the Program Compatibility Assistant Service in the window and double-click it to open its properties. A click on the Stop button will stop the service in the current session. Changing the startup type from manual to disabled will prevent that the service is started after system restarts.