Is there a word 'uptrending'?

Uptrend as a noun first appears in written sources 1940–45, while a business journal of 1946 discusses uptrending, downtrending, and trendless markets, and an issue of Business Week in 1950 speaks of uptrending profits.

These sources suggest that uptrending belongs to the jargon of business and finance with little reason to escape into general use. Its hypothetical infinitive, *to uptrend, is already occupied by to trend up[ward], so it was never coined. Beyond the usual boundary enforcing function of jargon for a financial elite, why the American business mind would prefer uptrending stocks to stocks trending upward is lost in the mist of time.

An NGram shows, well, a sharp uptrend of uptrending beginning in the 1990s, suggesting that the word is finding a less specialized use.