macOS crashes on any sound

Solution 1:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe002899ea44): "i2c1::_checkBusStatus SCL is stuck low; last write status 00010108 int shadow 00010100 xfer 00000000 fifo 00000000 for device audio-tas5770L-spkr-left-rear"

This indicates that the I2C interface between the CPU and the built-in TAS5770L audio amplifier is unresponsive. This matches up exactly with your observation that the panic is happening only when audio is supposed to be played.

Given that this is a new machine, safe mode and reinstall don't help, and the loaded drivers suggest that you don't appear to have external peripherals attached, I have to say that the evidence points strongly to this being an Apple bug. Without additional debugging (which requires tools and source code that we don't have), we can't even determine whether the root cause is in hardware or in software.

This means that you are unlikely to be able to fix this yourself. Your best bet is to report the bug and then to contact Apple Support.

[Something that you can do in the mean time to gather a little bit more information is to symbolicate your crash report. While this won't do anything to fix or root-cause your problem, and is unnecessary for reporting the bug to Apple (as they have tools to symbolicate any crash report ex post facto), it would be an interesting exercise for anyone who wants to understand a little bit more about the failure path. Here are steps for enabling symbolication:]

  1. Run the following Terminal command: sudo nvram boot-args="keepsyms=1". Make sure to copy-paste this so that you're entering straight quotes rather than curly/“smart” quotes. (If you get a permission error, you will first need to disable System Integrity Protection. You can re-enable it after you're done with this investigation.)
  2. Reboot your machine. The next time this crash happens, your report will have a symbolicated backtrace.