How to completely uninstall vscode on mac

Solution 1:

Here are all the places where VSCode stores stuff on Mac OS X, besides the Visual Studio itself, which is in your Applications folder:

rm -fr ~/Library/Preferences/ 
rm -fr ~/Library/Preferences/ 
rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/
rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/
rm -fr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/
rm -fr ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/
rm -fr ~/.vscode/

Update (Feb 2020): There are potentially also hidden extension directories in your home directories. To get rid of everything make sure you look for those too. They start with .vscode-.

Please run this command with care. Maybe you want to keep extension directories.

rm -rf ~/.vscode*

Solution 2:

The solution to my problem was to cd to the following path... /Users/<user>/Library/Application\ Support and delete the folder called Code. That folder contains all the setting and is not overwrite with a new installation. Looking through the entire file structure, VSCode name folder different. Sometimes folders are called .vscode/, or code/, or Visual Studio

Solution 3:

This worked for me ( VS Code 1.30 with MacOS - High Sierra 10.13.6 )

Step 1:

Close VS Code

Step 2:

rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Code

Step 3:

rm -rf $HOME/.vscode

Step 4:

Remove VSCode from application


Reinstall VS Code if needed

Solution 4:

If using a 3rd-party application is OK, check out App Cleaner.

It basically does the same thing as the other answer, but via a GUI and you don't have to manually remove all files/dirs one-by-one. Just drag VS Code from the Applications folder into App Cleaner, then it will find all the related files for you, and then you just have to click on the Remove button.

App Cleaner

UPDATE (VS Code 1.46)

Based on a recent comment, even after using AppCleaner, re-installing VS Code seems to still "remember" your previous extensions. This is caused by a ~/.vscode/extensions folder, which for some reason, AppCleaner can't "see" and is not listed in its UI. You will have to remove this folder manually.

~$ find ~/. -maxdepth 1 -name .vscode -type d

~$ ll /Users/gino/./.vscode/extensions
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  15 gino  staff   480B Jun 30 14:14 dbaeumer.vscode-eslint-2.1.5/
... (all other extensions) ...

~$ rm -Rf /Users/gino/./.vscode

Solution 5:

Here is my approach:

  1. Open finder
  2. Click on Home icon(which has your username as label)
  3. Click on Library Folder. Note Library folder may be hidden, so you will need to click on Shift+CMD+. to open hidden files and folders.
  4. Click Application Support folder
  5. Find Code folder beneath Application Support and delete it(You delete Code Folder of course)